Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Updates: pray pray pray

Just a few updates from this post - we appreciate the continued prayers!

My sister-in-law came thru surgery great - two metal plates and 12-13 screws later, her leg is somewhat put back together. The dr was pleased but said he was a little concerned that she might be showing signs of osteporosis. Continue to keep her in your prayers as she recovers and goes thru further testing whenever she's up to it. She'll hopefully get out of the hospital on Friday - nearly two weeks after she broke it. *Did you know when the bones don't all go back right they have some kind of bone filler they use? Had no clue, learned something new that's for sure, they just squirt it right in there to fill up the gaps.

My Uncle is doing amazing - released from the hospital with no signs (other than the visible burns) of being zapped with live electrical wires and is a miracle. They still have to watch him closely, but we all know God is good and has protected him so far and will continue! Thank you Jesus for the miracle!!!

My grandma came thru surgery well - her heart looked good - but they did have to put in a stint. She'll probably stay a night in the hospital, but if there are no complications, hopefully she'll go home tomorrow. She has had bypass surgery and has a history of clogged arteries so it's a praise that the heart looked good!


Anonymous said...

Im still praying!

Melissa said...

Oh thankgoodness everything seems to have worked out well. I am so glad to hear that they are doing well after all they went through.