Friday, February 20, 2009

More Riley Sayings

Since I've been a very bad poster lately - even though I think MORNING sickness that lasts all day every day is a very good excuse - I feel like I've been missing a lot, there are so many cute things that Riley has done and said........and I've been a slacker and haven't told you about them so someday when Riley is 30 and reading back about her life she'll think man, what was up with my Mom from Dec 08 thru Mar 09, didn't I do anything cute.......sigh.

So here are some fun things Riley has said lately that I just can't miss posting

*Mom, can I have some of that hanzitizer spray
(hand sanitizer spray)

*Mom, when I turn 4 I can drive myself, you won't have to bring me to Vickie's anymore
(this was when we were pulling in to her babysitter's driveway just yesterday, and I realized that I would blink and this would be true for real not true in her mind that she could drive herself at 4, and yes she often times says mom now instead of mommy which makes me sad too)

*Baby, oh baby, baby ba-aa-a-by, your mommy and your sissy are gonna love you always
(this is a song daddy made up for Riley when she was a baby and she's modified it and sings it to my tummy daily, so sweet! The original was Riley oh Riley Riley Jean Graves, your mommy and your daddy are gonna love you always - or grandma and papa or whoever fit for that verse really)

*Oh mom, your tummy is growing and growing everyday

*Mommy, I gotta go potty.......I can do it all by myself, I don't need your help (sniffle)

*Mommy, someone needs to come for a visit, I need a visit tonight

*Mommy, I sure do miss Andy, can we go to his apartment (that's my sis's boyfriend)

*Will Aunt Sarah be home soon?


Jenelle said...

Aww, your big girl is growing up too fast. Oh, man, I pray your all-day sickness ends soon. That silly baby of yours!

Anonymous said...

OMG how cute is she!!!! THe things they say are priceless!!!

I miss you!


Kangamoo said...

Yeah, they grow up too fast.

Mommy comes back in high school... especially when they need something. And in high school they need lots of somethings.

Love to all of you

Amanda said...

How cute! I hope you feel better soon.. I know what you are feeling and it's hard with a toddler to tend to.